
And then everything changed

Freitag, 15. September 2017

My Favourite Blogs

I'm not only a blogger but I also love reading other people's blogs. This was my main reason to join the blogger community in the first place. I follow probably more than 100 blogs, but there are a few of which I rarely skip a post, because I like them so much. Here are six of my favourite blogs in no particular order:

Cole Nemeth

Reading Cole's posts feels like listening to a good friend. I like that she's approachable both though her stories which are those of a mother, creative person and dreamer as well as through actually communicating with her readers. I love that her blog is her little space where she can brag and think and write about everything that's important to her, no matter if that's art, her family, movies or beard competitions. I think too many bloggers only think about what people want to read, without even considering what they enjoy writing about. But in the end a true and simple blog like Cole's trumps every overstyled and constructed one any time.

Gala Darling

Gala has one of the most magical blogs out there. She's a witch, a fabolous woman and the author of "Radical Self Love". She's all about improving yourself in ways that feel true to you. Through her blog I got more into spirituality and rituals which help you through life. But I'm also very thankful that she doen's preach that one way of praying or meditating or whatever which will make everything better but always keeps in mind that not everything is for everyone and that some of that stuff might be nothing but bullshit.


Eden has a very personal blog, where she posts mostly sad stories about people she lost and struggles she faces. If you want a blog which will make you happy, this is probably the wrong place. What I love about Eden's posts is that they are real and raw and vulnerable. Also they are extremely well written. She's such a skilled writer, I'm always in awe of the beauty of her words.

The Blogess

This is another blog which deals with tough topics like health issues (both physical and psychological) but which goes at it from a completely different angle. While Jenny's stories are often about dealing with anxiety and other struggles, they are the funniest posts I've ever read. I never skip a post of hers because they are garantued to make me laugh. She's a hilarious author and it inspires me how she uses humor to get through some tough shit. That's how you do it!


Liz is one part of an awesome blogger couple who live in Sweden. She writes about her experiences, her marriage, her vacations and her job and she always manages to make every mundane thing sound absolutely fascinating and inspiring. I love her mantra of slow life, of taking your time and really enjoying every moment.

A Beer for the Shower

Last but not least, here is a blog with little words and many drawings and cartoons. The little comics Brandon and Bryan post are always funny and cheer me up. Also I enjoy how they don't care about political correctness and don't shy away from difficult topics - always in good humor of course.

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